F.S.S. Auxo 1/8 scale
“My ultimate wish is that I die when my master dies.”
About Auxo herself
Auxo is Chrome Ballenche’s 38th masterpiece. Unlike any other fatima though, she was created exclusively for Dougulus Kaien.
She was created so that Dougulus Kaien wouldn’t be always alone. This is revealed in volume 14. This means that, unlike other fatimas who are created to support a headliner in a GTM, she was created to provide emotional support instead for Dougulus.

Their relationship is rather wholesome. It seems clear that neither can really live without each other. Dougulus was willing to quit everything when Auxo got hurt badly.
So, when Dougulus dies, Auxo becomes broken. It is revealed in volume 14 that her ultimate wish is to die when her master dies. Her wish is denied sadly.
By the laws of Joker galaxy, if a fatima is broken, it is to be killed since their sole purpose is to control GTMs.
Meeth, since Chrome is dead at this point, takes a temporary custody of her and attempts to bring a petition to save her. Her reasoning is that Auxo must be studied because she is a unique case. She successfully manages to get signatures of all famed fatima engineers, but it still isn’t enough.
Therefore, she turns to Sopp. His signature, or rather Amaterasu’s signature, would be enough to save Auxo. This event is in volume 14.
This is her situation as of volume 16.
The kit

This is yet another old kit from 1990. I scored this at 15,000 yen. I have had my eyes on this kit when it was being sold for 10,000 yen. However, the kit wasn’t my priority, and other stuff kept coming up.
When Volks recently released Dougulus Kaien kit, interest for this kit went up and I had to win a bidding war.
Upon opening the box, one thing became clear. Someone attempted to work on the kit. The parts had already been primed in gray. For some reasons, he chose not to go ahead.

I didn’t foresee any complications on painting. However, I did see some troubles on figure balance. I felt there was no other way to secure the figure than gluing it shut or use a metal rod to secure the figure.
I chose to do the latter in the end because of her pose. You will see why later.
It really is a simple figure to work on meanwhile, so I finished it in two hours.

I now can see why the guy chose not work on it. He probably felt that it was not good enough as he primed the parts and assembled it loosely.
I have felt the same as I loosely assembled it before working on it. For me though, reselling it wasn’t really an option, so I went ahead and finished it.
I had to use a brass rod that was included in the box which I assumed were used by the previous owner to secure the figure. In addition, I had to bend the rod forward so that Auxo would be so awkwardly standing.
The pose is just weird. Only if her upper body isn’t so bent backwards, it could have been a lot better.
In the end, this figure is sadly a trash. I won’t be keeping it.