[Amie-Grand] Girls und Panzer kit No.002
This is Amie-Grand Girls und Panzer kit No.002 Kuromorimine Girls Academy. This is a garage kit.
This is a kit I’ve had for about a year. I made only Koume Akaboshi in 2019 out of the tree since I didn’t not think I’d end up building a Tiger I 1/16 scale.
Now that I’ve indeed built a Tiger I 1/16 scale, I decided to assembled Maho and Erika at last.

Amie-Grand is a garage kit circle that has an online shop, meaning it’s far easier to get a hold of their kits. They also have standing version of Maho and Erika as well as Kay, Alisa, Naomi, Katyusha, Nonna, and Clara.
Their kit contains three figures per box, so Kay, Alisa, Naomi are grouped together. And so are Katyusha, Nonna, and Clara.
Each of the box costs 8,000 yen. You may be able to find them cheaper on Manrake shop.

As for the quality of their kits, it’s not great. Generally, it is okay but when it comes to thin parts like skirts, you may find tiny holes where resin flew too thin. This is generally fixable with thick primer. Their kits have another issue which I will cover shortly.
As always, for me at least, I airbrush skin first and then paint other parts manually with a brush. I use super glue for arms and legs. However, when it’s time to attach torso and lower body, I use regular glue.
This is because the parts never really have a good contact and regular thick glue tend to fill gaps and join the parts together far better than super glue which is too thin and flow down.
Granted, it takes at least half a day for the glue to stick but this is better in long term.

A major issue with Amie-Grand kits is decals. Their decals are – fragile -. If you happen to touch it with the slightest grip, expect it to get damaged like above.
To make the situation worse, the decals are not pre-cut, meaning you need to cut it manually which forces you to handle the decal paper.
All in all, it’s good that they give you three chances.

This is before spraying matte varnish, so the surface is somewhat reflective. But overall, the figures are done. This isn’t a hard kit to deal with aside from painfully weak decals.
The kit isn’t hard to get a hold of it, either. I got this at 4,000 yen from Mandrake, so I have no complains. I did have to pay full price for their other kits though.

Now they are on Tiger I 1/16 scale. Good stuff. I have been working on GuP stuff for over a year now and my collection is getting pretty big. But there are still plenty to go.
As Des finale gets played out, I am pretty sure more kits will be released as well although I am unsure whether I will be ale to get more 1/16 tanks to matchβ¦