[Nightmare creates] Rosehip & Assam non-scale garage kit
There are plenty of Roseship figures and garage kits out in the wild. Most of them are similar to each other. As a hyperactive girl, majority of Rosehip figures/garage kits reflect her athleticism or mishaps of that.
Meanwhile, have you seen any Assam figure? She’s rare. To be fair though, she has barely received any attention from the anime itself. One would have to dive into manga and other materials to be able to see her more frequently. She does appear far more frequently on the official 4-strip manga that is being released weekly.
Anyway, this circle has created a set of both which I felt was pretty much on the dot.

This kit has been created by a circles goes by a name of Nightmare creates. This circle focuses on mostly chibi garage kits with cat/fox ears. For some reason though, they’ve created this.

The original cost of this kit is 3,000 yen which is on the cheap side. This is a non-scale kit but some sites might say 1/10 scale which is close enough. Having compared to other kits of various figures I have, I’ve come to a conclusion that this is a 1/11 scale.

Some parts come molded together, like arms and hands are molded together already. Assam’s legs also come molded. Roseship’s boots also come molded together. This is something I do not like as painting individual parts is generally easier than dealing with molded parts.
Overall though, part qualities are above average.

Roseship’s hair is two-tone; dark red as the first layer and then purple as second. The same for Assam’s hair; white layer first and then bright yellow. However, because Assam’s head and hair came molded together, I could not airbrush her hair which would have given me an objectively better result.
Their shirts are also two-tone, black layer first and then dark red. Their skirt and boots are pure black.
Lastly, their skin is also two-tone but it didn’t come out quite right. Basically, I failed on this part.
Overall, this was a fun kit to have played with. It wasn’t an easy kit and required some planning before going ahead due to pre-molded parts.
Welcome Roseship and Assam to my collection.