Circle links
URL of (Japanese) garage kit circles | Updated on June 3, 2020
Note that all the circles I list have something to do with Girls und Panzer because I am interested in only GuP kits.
Volks (γγΌγ―γΉ) – I certainly would not call them “a circle”. They are a proper company with a huge catalog of products. Many of their products are DIY (Do It Yourself). Thus, they fall into garage kit category. A very good thing about them is that they continue to support even their oldest products by regularly manufacturing them in turns.
Ploy-Toys – They sell in events/festival only. Their kits are virtually impossible to get outside of Japan. However, GK sells them. They are recasts though. Their GuP creations are 1/20 and 1/35 scale.
Amie-Grand – Sells on their website and have a shop on Amazon Japan. Search for “γ’γγ¨γ»γ°γ©γ³” on Amazon Japan. They are probably my most favorite circle. Most of my garage kits are from them since they’ve made their kits readily available.
Bronze Circus (ιι οΌ£οΌ©οΌ²οΌ£οΌ΅οΌ³) – I’ve seen their kits listed on websites but I am not generally interested in their kits. Mandrake online shop often carries some of their kits. They have a lot of GuP figures in 1/9 and 1/12 but their creations are really hard to find and expensive.
Maid-san – Like Poly-Toys, they seem to sell in events only.
EBO – Does not appear to be a circle at all. It seems to be a one-man operation. His interest appears to be mostly in mecha but has produced a 1/12 scale Darjeeling figure. His works can be found on second hand shops like Mandrake or Yahoo Japan auction.
Booth company (γΆγΌγγγ«γ³γγγΌ) – They seem to specialize in figma type of figures, meaning their creations are almost always 1/12 scale. They sometimes seem to use cloth instead of painting. They have a few (4) GUP figma figures.
Heroine Workshop Dandelion (γγγ€γ³ ε·₯ζΏ γγγ½γ½) – They have few huge garage kit sets of GuP. 1/8 scale Angel fish team kit along with turret of Panzer IV, all of those in 1/8 scale. Comes in two wardrobe settings. Panzer jacket ver and Race queen ver. Given it is a set of 5 1/8 scale figures and a huge Panzer IV turret, its price is insane but I feel it is justified.
These guys play big. Most of their kits are 1/4 scale and have some amazing kits.
T’s system – Quite an artistic circle that focuses on mostly large scale garage kits. Event sale only.
Nightmare creates (γͺγγ¨γγγγγγγ€) – A one man circle. Seems to heavily favor chibi characters with cat/fox ears. Has one non-scale GuP garage kit set.